王霞,管理学博士,太阳成集团财税学院投资系讲师,硕士生导师,入选“太阳成集团第二批光华青年教师成长计划”。截止2023年12月,于Energy,Energy Policy, Nature Communications, 暖通空调、重庆大学学报(社会科学版)等期刊发表论文15余篇。主持2023年国家社科应用经济学青年项目1项。
本科:《工程造价》 《毕业论文设计与写作》
研究生:《房地产开发经营与管理》 《不动产管理与评估前沿》
2021.03-至今 中国建筑节能协会建筑能耗与碳排放专委会副秘书长
2023.03-至今 四川省建设科技协会监事
2019-07-至今 太阳成集团投资系 讲师
2023.07-2023.12 中科院深圳先进技术研究院碳中和所
2017.09-2019.03 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室联培博士
2015.09-2019.06 重庆大学管科学院管理科学与工程专业(博士)
2012.09-2015.06 重庆大学管科学院土木工程(土木水利施工)(硕士)
2008.09-2012.06 西华大学工程造价专业
l 论文类
[1] Wang X, Ding C, Zhou M, Cai W, Ma X, Yuan J. Assessment of space heating consumption efficiency based on a household survey in the hot summer and cold winter climate zone in China[J]. Energy, 2023,274:127381.
[2] Wang, X., Fang, Y., Cai, W., Ding, C., & Xie, Y. (2022). Heating demand with heterogeneity in residential households in the hot summer and cold winter climate zone in China-A quantile regression approach. Energy, 247, 123462.
[3] Wang X, Ding C, Cai W, Luo L, Chen M. Identifying household cooling savings potential in the hot summer and cold winter climate zone in China: A stochastic demand frontier approach[J]. Energy, 2021,237:121588.
[4] Wang X, Feng W, Cai W, Ren H, Ding C, Zhou N. Do residential building energy efficiency standards reduce energy consumption in China? – A data-driven method to validate the actual performance of building energy efficiency standards[J]. Energy Policy, 2019,131:82-98.
[5] Wang X, Yuan J, You K, Ma X, Li Z. Using Real Building Energy Use Data to Explain the Energy Performance Gap of Energy-Efficient Residential Buildings: A Case Study from the Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone in China[J]. Sustainability, 2023,15(2):1575.
[6] Luo, Lizi, Yuke Li, Xia Wang, Xin Jin, and Ziyi Qin. "Supply Chain Vulnerability in Prefabricated Building Projects and Digital Mitigation Technologies." IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2023).
[7] Shi Q, Gao J, Wang X, Ren H, Cai W, Wei H. Temporal and Spatial Variability of Carbon Emission Intensity of Urban Residential Buildings: Testing the Effect of Economics and Geographic Location in China[J]. Sustainability, 2020,12(7):2695.
[8] Gao J, Zhong X, Cai W, Ren H, Huo T, Wang X, et al. Dilution effect of the building area on energy intensity in urban residential buildings[J]. Nature Communications,2019,10(1):4944.
[9] Wang X, Ren H, Cai W, Liu Y, Luo L. Identification of driving factors for green building development in China[J]. Open House International, 2016,41(3):92-96.
[10] Li, Z., Peng, S., Cai, W., Cao, S., Wang, X., Li, R., & Ma, X. (2023). Impacts of Building Microenvironment on Energy Consumption in Office Buildings: Empirical Evidence from the Government Office Buildings in Guangdong Province, China. Buildings, 13(2), 481.
[11] Huo, Tengfei, Hong Ren, Xiaoling Zhang, Weiguang Cai, Wei Feng, Nan Zhou, and Xia Wang. "China's energy consumption in the building sector: A Statistical Yearbook-Energy Balance Sheet based splitting method." Journal of cleaner production 185 (2018): 665-679.
[12] Wang, X., Ren, H., Cai, W., Liu, Y., 2018. Index Decomposition Analysis of Building Energy Consumption in Chongqing: 2000–2014. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. Springer Singapore, Singapore, pp. 907–916.
[13] 王霞,任宏,蔡伟光,武涌,陈明曼.中国建筑能耗时间序列变化趋势及其影响因素[J].暖通空调,2017,47(11):21-26+93.
[14] 蔡伟光,魏海锋,王霞,李晓辉.建筑能耗测算数据差异及其原因分析[J].暖通空调,2017,47(11):35-39.
[15] 蔡伟光,李晓辉,王霞,陈明曼,武涌,冯威.基于能源平衡表的建筑能耗拆分模型及应用[J].暖通空调,2017,47(11):27-34.
[16] 任宏,陈永奇,蔡伟光,王霞,邓瑛鹏.基于STIRPAT模型的重庆市城镇建筑能耗影响因素分析[J].暖通空调,2017,47(11):40-44+20.
[17] 曾德珩,王霞.不同国家城市化中期阶段与碳排放关系研究[J].重庆大学学报(社会科学版),2015,21(01):46-50.
l 主持及参与课题
[1] 2023国家社科基金应用经济学青年项目,23CJY018,2024-2026,主持
[2] 2023-2024年资产评估行业青年研究项目,基于实物期权模型的碳资产价值评估研究,2024-2025,主研
[3] 中央高校基本科研业务青年教师成长项目, JBK2101059,2021.01-2021.12,主持(已结项,评价优)
[4] 中央高校基本科研业务费引进人才科研启动资助项目, JBK200543,2020.01-2020.12,主持(已结项)
[5] 能源基金会中国可持续能源项目,中国建筑节能协会能耗数据发布支撑体系研究(三期),2017/11-2018/10,结题,主要参与人
[6] 能源基金会中国可持续能源项目,中国建筑节能协会能耗数据发布支撑体系研究(二期),2016/11-2017/10,结题,主要参与人
[7] 能源基金会中国可持续能源项目,中国建筑节能协会能耗数据发布支撑体系研究(一期),2015/09-2016/08,结题,主要参与人
[8] 重庆市建委科技项目,重庆市民用建筑能耗调查与节能贡献率测算,2016/03-2016/12,结题,主要参与人
[9] 建筑业农民工产业工人化顶层设计研究,住房与城乡建设部重大改革咨询课题(2015-2016),结题,主要参与人
[10] 建筑业用工方式制度改革专题调研,住房与城乡建设部科技项目(2016),结题,主要参与人
[11] 重庆市科委绿色建筑主题专项课题,绿色建筑推广市场机制与政策设计(2015),2016/02-2018/12,结题,主要参与人
l 研究报告
[1]《2022中国建筑能耗与碳排放研究报告》,https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7Hr__rkhS70owqTbYI_XuA, 主要参与人
[3]《中国建筑能耗研究报告2017》, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/XpPPN5xwpJoaWW9G7FQ5sw,主要参与人
[4]《中国建筑能耗研究报告2016》, http://www.efchina.org/Reports-zh/report-20170710-1-zh,主要参与人
[5]《Constructing a new, low carbon future - how Chinese cities are scaling ambitious building energy efficiency solutions》, LBNL. https://www.c40.org/researches/constructing-a-new-low-carbon-future-china,参与人
l 教改论文及课题:
[1] 张腾飞、杜艳、王霞,实施投资学专业教学改革,创新育人模式[J].中国教育报2024.4.2
[2] 太阳成集团2023年度研究生“中央高校公司产品改革专项”, 房地产开发经营实务与场景化教学,2023-2025,主持
[3] 中国房地产估价师与房地产经纪人学会,2024年研究课题《房地产估价青年人才培养机制研究》,2024.1-2024.12, 第一参与单位。
l 奖励荣誉